Saturday, July 23, 2005

AIDS, virgins, and tuition fees

Heard this on the radio yesterday: a member of the Ugandan parliament offered to pay the tuition fees of any girl in his district who is still a virgin when she starts university. The aim is to prevent AIDS. The method is rather odd, and I don't know if it would work, but the underlying principle - financial rewards for responsible behavior - is a good one.

AIDS destroys lives and so has a measurable cost - raising a child costs a certain amount, and if the child dies, that effort is wasted. Plus their place of work loses a trained employee. Plus everyone they know works less efficiently because they are miserable or scared. ,So the cost is measurable. Sorry to be so cold and calculating, but I want to show that calculating costs is good: if we can prove the cost, then we can prove the benefit of good behavior, and pay people the market rate.

The point is that we don't need charity, we need good auditing. With good auditing (did anyone say "land rent?"), good behavior is automatically rewarded. So there is no need for strange offers from wealthy men, and no need for westerners to wring their hands in despair. Everyone would behave well because it was in their interest to do so. In doing so they create more and more wealth for society, and everybody wins.


Blogger Miranda said...

The truly lovely [/sarcasm] part of this program is that the girls would have to undego a gynocologial exam to "prove" their virginity. Gee, no chance for abuse there. It's stories liket these that make me want to go find a rock in space and colonize that to flee the crazies.

I predict that land rent will only become a viable option once we have the ability to move off world.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Chris Tolworthy said...

I agree - there are serious problems with the details of the Ugandan approach. Not to mention the sexism of the whole deal. But I applaud the principle that people who benefit society should be rewarded.

Regarding moving off world, we need land rent before then! Imagine what it will be like if one person or nation can claim to own an entire planet, or an entire star system. And then they can steal its wealth, ignoring the people who created that wealth. You think we have injustice now? We ain't seen nothing yet.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Miranda said...

I was thinking along the lines of the colonization of the western hemisphere. For a few hundred years, we did almost have a land rent type system, with each colony operating differently.

I think its a sad testament that most people agree that the UN Charter, a very weak charter at that, would never be ratified in the current world situation.

5:22 PM  

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