Wednesday, September 28, 2005

slight changes in this blog

Like you, I am a busy guy. I don't want to read ten news sites every day, especially when they just regurgitate the same old stories and ignore the interesting ones. And I don't think it helps this site - I end up finding odd little stories that interest me but possibly nobody else. It also allows me to ignore the stories that don't have an obvious land rent angle. No more! From now on I will only look at the top stories that other people think are most important.

So until further notice, I will only report on the top story each morning from . Why the BBC? Partly because it has a reasonably good reputation around the world, and partly because I live in the UK, so there is a small chance I might know some background material on a particular topic. When I report on American news, there is a greater then normal danger that I don't know what I'm talking about. And finally, in today's global news market, the same kinds of topics come up anyway.

There is a risk that some days will just repeat old posts - how many times can you talk about the same thing? But if something is important it is worth repeating.


Blogger Randy said...

I don't know what I'm talking about half the time myself, but that never stops me!

6:49 PM  

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