Monday, October 31, 2005

Delhi bombing: the rational response is land rent

Today's top BBC story is still the Indian bombing. I might seem crazy to link this with land rent, but hear me out.

According to the article there are many "terrorist" groups in Kashmir. According to everything I can find, sixty dead is very few compared with the thousands who die in the endless round of violence in Kashmir. And if you read about what motivates each side (Pakistan, Kashmir, India) the number of dead is far less than the number who are passionately angry about the question of who controls the land.

The word "rational" comes from the word "ratio" and means an ability to tell when one thing is more larger or more important than another thing. A rational approach to terrorism shows that the big picture, the cause that we should address, is land ownership. When terrorism threatens, we should redouble our efforts to promote land rent. It is the only rational response.


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