gaps in our thinking
I spent many years looking for answers, and this is what I found: Many religions and philosophies and political parties claim to have answers. But they all have big gaps. Here are the big three gaps:
- Faith. "It just is." Or "I feel that it is true."
- Anecdotes. You rely on some story to illustrate your point, but that story does not really prove anything - somebody else could see it differently.
- Pragmatism - we leave the very big questions alone because "nobody knows" or "that is the basis of our society - challenging that would cause too many problems."
The gaps are usually in big issues like "is there a God?" or "who has a right to own this land?" or "who are the good guys here?" And guess what - when we are ignorant, we assume that WE are the good guys, God is on OUR side, WE deserve the land, etc.
This is ironic. We like to believe that we are moral and rational. And in small things we are. But our little pockets of morality and rationality are all in the service of vast oceans of ignorance and self-interest.
Does your own world view rely on any of these things? I bet it does. In other posts I will give some examples.
I think the only way to improve the scope of our influence is to increase the scope of our self-interest. That is, for the problems to really matter to us. Some who have ideas about how to Fix Things are very passionate and personal about those Things That Need Fixing. It's their mission.
I have a small mission. It's all I can handle.
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