Sunday, July 03, 2005

CNN's priorities

I started this blog nine days ago, and every day I check the headlines from CNN and BBC websites. I find some curious priorities.

This week saw the build up to the G8 meeting, accompanied by large anti-poverty protests. Several times in the past 9 days, G8 was the top BBC story. It has never been the top CNN story (unless I just happened to click at the wrong time of the day?) Granted, the G8 meeting is taking place in the UK, but a quick check on other country news sites shows they give it a reasonably high priority. But not on CNN. It is there, but not a priority. CNN has one huge news item (usually human interest) and the rest are relatively small. The page is usually dominated by someone's face, often a child or a teenager.

If one billion people foreigners are hungry, and a single wealthy person got lost in the woods, guess which story would get top billing?


Blogger Ann said...

Americans are all about sentimal hogwash these days. That explains our current president better than anything else I can come up with.

I'm an incurable romantic; not the sort to be persuaded by careful discussion and reason. I live by my heart. But puh-lease. "Look at the cute puppy" is not news.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Chris Tolworthy said...

I agree! But that's because I prefer cute kittens. It's my birthday today, and our favorite cat disappeared two months ago (he was always too adventurous for his own good). So tonight we're going to the local animal shelter to get a new kitten tonight.

Seriously though, the world would be a much kinder, softer, more romantic place if we spent more time on the nasty problems instead of pretending they don't exist.

8:37 AM  

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