Sunday, July 17, 2005

Georgists and property

I am a Georgist - that is, I believe in the ideas of Henry George. The main idea of land rent, anyway. But I disagree with other Georgists on philosophical foundations. Since the last two posts were about property, it might be useful to clarify these things again. As usual, see the land rent web site for details.
  • Georgism assumes that all humans have equal rights to land. It sounds like a good idea, but there is no rational foundation for this. It can even be dangerous. Any system that distributes wealth that is unearned, must steal that wealth from those who really earned it..
  • Georgism treats land and man-made capital as fundamentally different. I disagree. All value comes from human preferences, regardless of whether that value is expressed in land, ideas, or whatever.
These two errors lead to unnecessarily complicated ideas. The idea of land rent is really very simple. If you cause something valuable, you own it. It's as simple as that.


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