Thursday, July 14, 2005

Indian lands

I try to comment only on the day's main headline, but the headlines are usually the same and I hate to be repetitive. So looking further down the page, what do we find? U.S. Berated Over Indians' Deal Just one quote from the judge in this case:

"the entire record in this case tells the dreary story of Interior's degenerate tenure as Trustee-Delegate for the Indian trust, a story shot through with bureaucratic blunders, flubs, goofs and foul-ups, and peppered with scandals, deception, dirty tricks and outright villainy, the end of which is nowhere in sight."

Indian lands. You can't get a better argument for why we need land rent. Land rent is the only sane way to allocate land. Without land rent, we get these insane and bloody land grabs, endless arguing over "natural" rights, people claiming ownership of land they did not create, and injustice piled on injustice forever after.


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