Friday, July 29, 2005

ten ways to implement land rent

One reason for making this blog (and why I am not too bothered if nobody reads it) is to find real-world ways to implement land rent. Based on the stuff I've noticed in the first few weeks of blogging, I have expanded the "proposals" part of the main web site.

At first I had only one concrete proposal: a Citizen's Dividend. After the first week of blogging, I added another four or five proposals. Today I've increased the tally to ten. To see them, just go to the the main site and click on 'proposals.'

I hope that, by paying attention to the news, I can get a better and better idea of how justice could work in the real world. Maybe in a year or so the main site will be totally different from today, but much more practical. I want people to see the site and think "yeah, that would work." I am still a long way from that point, but working on it.


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