Monday, July 04, 2005

happy Dependence Day

It's July 4th, American Independence Day! So spare a thought for all those groups that are desperate to gain independence from America, but are denied that freedom.

All nations are hypocrites. They all want independence for themselves, but none will give it to others. Read Footnotes to History for examples of peoples who claimed independence and were immediately crushed.

PS July 4th is also my birthday! Hey, this is my blog, so yes, it is relevant. :)


Blogger Ann said...

Happy Birthday, Chris! Just five years until you are the answer to the ultimate question: Life. The Universe. Everything.

As a non-Unistatian, I hereby exempt you from our annual drooling over how wonderful we are.

5:24 PM  
Blogger Chris Tolworthy said...

Oh but you ARE wonderful. Well, most of you anyway. :)

5:46 PM  
Blogger Trail Seeker said...

Hi Chris, Ann does a post about linking blogs and I find yours through hers. I am looking forward to reading your past posts and future ones too. Happy birthday!

10:06 PM  
Blogger Chris Tolworthy said...

Thanks! Do you have a blog I could link to?

10:53 PM  
Blogger Randy said...

Blue's Clues Birthday Candle Dance, performed for Chris:

Have a happy birthday yoooo-uu
And we'll have a great day tooo-ooo
Everybody play,
'cause it's Chris's special day
Happy birthday! (Randy extends arms straight up)
(Randy scrunches to the ground while blowing hard)

12:54 AM  
Blogger Randy said...

p.s. I've linked to you already, Chris. Hope that's okay.

12:54 AM  
Blogger Chris Tolworthy said...

Alright? That's wonderful! Thanks! On a general point, if I forget to link to someone or the link isn't what you want, please say. This blog is still in its very early days, and traffic is VERY light, so I need all the friends I can get.

10:02 AM  

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