Friday, June 24, 2005

why these answers are better

What me, arrogant? Vain? If you say so. :)

I spent half my life looking for answers. Since the advent of the Internet, I have looked long and hard for anyone who has answers. Is that such an unusual thing? Apparently it is. I have not found a single web site or book or philosophy or religion or political party that has answers without gaps. They all have large gaps (see previous post).

So I found my own answers. They are summarized in - look especially for the link at the side of the page. The main site gives a simple way to save the world, the side link provides the philosophical foundation. My answers are better than any others because my answers have no gaps. They can be derived from first principles. If we start with zero assumptions, we can progress to 'why is there something rather than nothing,' and 'why is logic the only useful system' through to evolution, to the nature of property, to land rent, and everything else.

I know that my answers can be improved. There are many things I would tweak if I had the time. The next post here will address some objections. But mine are the only answers without major gaps. So on this planet at least, they are the only choice. They are the only game in town.


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