response to questions
The answers on my websites - mainly this one - took many years to develop. I deliberately took jobs that would allow me access to computers, and give me the free time to think. I spent many hours, months, years, wrestling with knotty problems like consciousness, existence, immigrating, etc., etc. It almost destroyed my marriage and more. Now I am weary. I have no interest in arguing.
You can check it yourself - you can follow the argument from the very beginning to the very end. But I warn you, there is a lot of information packed into a very small space. Whenever someone has questioned me on the answers, the answer to their question has always been within the answers themselves. Assume nothing. Derive all your ideas from first principles. The answers are there. Good luck.
These answers are not what people expect, so they will appear wrong, or at least raise many questions. To answer those questions I would have to patiently lead the questioner through every stage that led t that conclusion. I would have to understand the questioner's own position and expect much patience from them. I just don't have the energy or time for that. Sorry.
It may sound arrogant to be convinced that my ideas are right, without being ready to argue over them. But I have good reasons to believe they are right, or at least more right than any other system. Here are the reasons.
- I spent the best half of my life on these things, thinking of little else. Everything else came second to these things for twenty five years. How many people can say that?
- I had no preconceived notions, and no reason (other than logic) to follow any particular path. I have no reputation to defend, I am not making any money from these things. How many professors or academics can say that?
- I was willing to change when I was wrong. For the first thirty four years of my life I thought that Mormonism was part of the answer, or at least not opposed to the truth. I served as a full time missionary, I ran my local branch of the church, I published a book and a thousand page apologetics web site, I married a true believer and raised my family in the church. Then I came to the conclusion that the church was false. I left the church, at great personal cost. I am not doing this for my own benefit, or to prove some prejudice. I am genuinely interested in truth.
- My philosophy, from start to finish, is presented plainly for all to see. No long books, no gaps, just plain answers derived from first principles. How many other people can say that?
- This has been tested and retested on the Internet, the fastest source of information in the history of the world. Other generations had smarter thinkers who searched for longer, but they did not have this unfair advantage.
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