Saturday, June 25, 2005


I am a fun loving person. Some of the things I enjoy:
  • A sunny day
  • Cat watching
  • Physical intimacy
  • Funny exmormons talking about the absurdity of the church
  • Creating things
  • Well written political essays or political comedy - gentle but highly astute stuff
  • Well written nonfiction essays (PJ O'Rourke etc., etc.)
  • [edited to add: and anything by Richard Dawkins!! Or anyone like him: witty, modest, gentle, incredibly well informed, and biting with his observations]
  • Great science fiction writers, and anyone who can see the essential ironies of the world.
  • Gloriously silly movie moments. The last time I laughed out loud at a movie was the marriage scene in Three Men and a Little Lady, where the (fake) minster says "does anyone have any reason? Even a a tiny one? It may not seem significant now, but in the great scheme of things..." As you can probably tell, I don't watch many movies.
  • Anything by Steven Fry.
  • Good TV discovery programs. Not the usual Hitler/Sharks stuff (boring, boring) but the quirky, genuine discoveries. Victorian drainage, Adam Hart Davis, Tony Robinson, that sort of thing.
Unfortunately, nobody else in my family enjoys these things, and some of the things (e.g. the church, or political things) are easy to misunderstand, so I have to keep quiet and laugh inside. So everyone thinks I am too serious. I am a Frasier in a world of Martins. Unfortunately I don't have a Niles. But please remember, when I look deadly serious outside, inside I am often smiling.


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