I am a fun loving person. Some of the things I enjoy:
- A sunny day
- Cat watching
- Physical intimacy
- Funny exmormons talking about the absurdity of the church
- Creating things
- Well written political essays or political comedy - gentle but highly astute stuff
- Well written nonfiction essays (PJ O'Rourke etc., etc.)
- [edited to add: and anything by Richard Dawkins!! Or anyone like him: witty, modest, gentle, incredibly well informed, and biting with his observations]
- Great science fiction writers, and anyone who can see the essential ironies of the world.
- Gloriously silly movie moments. The last time I laughed out loud at a movie was the marriage scene in Three Men and a Little Lady, where the (fake) minster says "does anyone have any reason? Even a a tiny one? It may not seem significant now, but in the great scheme of things..." As you can probably tell, I don't watch many movies.
- Anything by Steven Fry.
- Good TV discovery programs. Not the usual Hitler/Sharks stuff (boring, boring) but the quirky, genuine discoveries. Victorian drainage, Adam Hart Davis, Tony Robinson, that sort of thing.
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